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Monday, August 2, 2010

Training Camp: 3-Up/3-Down

I'm roughly 350 miles away, but thanks to twitter I get minute by minute updates from all of the Giants beat reporters on how things are going at camp.  Fortunately for all of you who have lives, I'll keep track of who is getting good reviews and who is getting dogged and summarize it for you....


DT Chris Canty - he's evidently healthy and in great shape.  He was one of the few players Coughlin praised by name after Sunday's practice.

QB Rhett Bomar - The term "throwing darts" was used repeatedly to describe Bomar's morning session.  There could be a real battle for the #2 QB spot.

DC Perry Fewell - the guy opened camp with a hot-potato tournament (ultimately won by Sha'reff Rashad after Kiwanuka was disqualified for a bad throw).  For what it's worth, the players love him.


RB Gartrell Johnson - The only player to struggle with the conditioning test--bad start for a guy just hoping for a roster spot.

DE Osi Umenyora - Hip is looking like it could be a big issue.  On the bright side, it might settle the "who's going to start" controversy.

P Matt Dodge - his first 4 attempts in camp:  shank, shank, shank, fumbled snap.   He did respond with a booming 55-yarder, but let's hope nerves aren't an issue here.

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