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Wednesday, August 25, 2010

Stuck In The Middle With You: The Saga Continues

Just when we think we have it figured out....

It seems that Clint Sintim's poor play in the first two preseason games has got Tom Coughlin and Perry Fewell thinking he may not be there best option on the outside.  The man they've picked to replace him is Keith Bulluck, the guy that the Giants signed to be their starting MLB.  That means that Jonathan Goff is likely to once again be your starting MLB.  Bulluck moves over to SAM, and Boley remains at the WIL

But wait, there's more!  It seems that in Perry Fewell's system, SAM is really more like the WIL and the WIL more like the SAM in basically every other system.  So Bulluck is now playing the SAM, which is similar to the WIL he played in Tennessee, and Boley is playing the WIL, which is similar to the SAM he played in Atlanta.  Got it?  If not, don't worry, even the Giants players have been joking about their own confusion with the somewhat backward system.  Hopefully they figure it out by week 1.

Just to confuse things a little more, it should be noted that Gerris Wilkinson--who's looked good for a change--has also been taking snaps with the first team at the WIL--or is it SAM?  What should we make of this?  Well there are two possibilities.  The pessimist (which I tend to be) will say that it is clear the Giants are unhappy with their linebackers and are desperately trying to find a combination that will work.  The optimist will say the Giants are simple toying with different personal packages so they can use different sets in different scenarios.  I'll let you be the judge.

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