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Tuesday, August 3, 2010

Position Preview: RB's (rebirth or continued decline?)

I had hoped to get all the position previews done before camp started and got exactly half-way to my goal.  Oh well, it's been a busy summer.  As we turn to the offense, we start with another disappointing group from '09--the runningbacks.

When we talk about the Giants RB's, we have to start with the big man Brandon Jacobs.  In 2007 and 2008, Jacobs was to the offense what Antonio Pierce was to the defense.  He was their emotional leader.  His angry style of running seemed to motivate his teammates.  I remember when he ran over Charles Woodson at the start of the 2007 NFC Championship game I thought to myself, "we can win this."  Sadly, Jacobs was a shell of himself in 2009.  He claims the fix is simple, he just needs to get his legs up coming through the line.  But we all know if it was that simple he would have fixed the problem last year.  Kevin Gilbride said recently he had no idea why Jacobs struggled last year.  I hope I'm wrong here, but I think Gilbride knows damn well what went wrong--he just can't admit it publicly.  The simple fact is big runners--particularly tall ones--don't last.  Their legs just take an unbelievable pounding.  The tires wear thin, and the engine runs out of gas.  Jacobs, like so many power backs before him, has hit the wall. 

That is why I was very surprised the Giants didn't draft a RB this year.  The Giants have brought back everyone from a year ago:  Jacobs, Ahmad Bradshaw, Danny (oh sorry, I mean DJ) Ware, Gartrell Johnson, and Andre Brown.  Early reports from camp are Bradshaw looks to be healthy and as agile as ever.  If he stays that way this could be the year he goes from being a fan-favorite to a household name.  You still hear good things about Ware from those who watch practice, but honestly, I didn't see it at all last year.  He seemed soft and unable to make a big cut.  Johnson is a quick back but he showed up to camp out of shape and struggled with his conditioning test, something that I'm sure angered Coach Coughlin.  I think Ware, who can contribute on special teams, beats out Johnson for the 4th RB slot but neither will have a significant impact on the team.  Brown, on the other hand, is an intriguing option.  Remember he was a 4th round pick in '09 but missed the whole season after blowing his Achilles in camp.  He's back, and he's healthy.  He turned a few heads in off-season workouts, particularly with his ability to catch the football.  He could be that 3rd back the Giants desperately need.

Leading the way for the tail-backs will once again likely be veteran FB Madison Hedgecock.  Hedgecock has a little bit of competition this year in second-year man Jerome Johnson who is reportedly a better pass-catcher than Hedgecock (who is absolutely awful in that regard).  Hedgecock struggled last year due to injury, but he was one of the most important cogs in the Giants running attack in 2008, and if he is healthy he should be back to form again.

Whatever the FB situation, Jacobs will certainly start the season as the starting tailback, but I think you will see more and more of Bradshaw and probably Brown as the season progresses.  I hope I'm wrong about Jacobs, but I think it's the end of the road for him.  It could be the start of something for Bradshaw and Brown though.

---Training Camp Update---

C Shaun O'Hara, was sent back to New York today for an exam by team physician Russ Warren on his ankle which swelled yesterday following a conditioning test.  The ankle has reportedly been an ongoing issue for O'Hara but the flare up was unexpected.  I'll keep you posted.

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