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Wednesday, August 11, 2010

Position Preview: O-Line (is it the end of an era?)

The only position group I love more than the D-Tackles, is the O-line.  I think if I were to make a list of my top-10 favorite Giants, at least 4 would be O-linemen (maybe one day I'll actually make that list).  Anyway, enough praising the big boys, let's get down to some of the the issues to keep an eye on this preseason.

The Giants have been the model of consistency up front as David Diehl, Chris Snee, Shaun O'Hara, Rich Seubert, and Kareem McKenzie have been the Giants' starters since the start of the 2007 season.  However, 2009 was disappointing on many levels, and the lack of running game has lead some in the organization to think a change is needed up-front.  Enter 2009's 2nd round draft pick William Beatty.  The 6'6" Beatty is being given every chance to break into the starting lineup.  The Giants like his size and athleticism and think he has a higher ceiling than Diehl.  The question is can he reach it?   If he succeeds (and that's a big IF) he will likely take over the LT spot, with Diehl sliding over to guard and Seubert sliding onto the bench.  Some seemed to think the transition was a done deal headed into camp, but those are people who don't know Richy Seubert very well  (OK, so I don't really "know" Seubert either, but I do read a lot about him from guys who do "know" him, which I feel makes it OK for me to call him "Richy"--right?).  Remember, this is a former undrafted free agent, who shattered his leg in 2003--an injury that required 5 surgeries and cost him 2 full seasons--only to fight and claw his way back into the starting lineup in 2007.  Everyone associated with the Giants loves #69, and all agree he is one tough, mean S-O-B.  In other words, don't think he's going to kindly hand over his starting job to a second year "kid."  I haven't heard any mention of this, but it seems to me McKenzie shouldn't be guaranteed a starting job either.  If Beatty plays well, I would think the Giants would have the option to move either he or Diehl over to RT to replace McKenzie.  Again, I haven't heard that talked about, but I would think the Giants are certainly considering that an option.

As far as depth is concerned (and it is always a concern when you are talking about the o-line), the Giants, like most teams, have a lot of guys with potential but also question marks.  No matter who wins the starting jobs, the Giants will have either Seubert or Beatty (or maybe McKenzie) as solid back-up options.  Beatty can play either tackle spot, and Seubert can play guard or center.  The Giants also have veterans Guy Whimper and Adam Koets as back-up tackle and center, respectively (Koets is also a tackle, but seems to be getting worked mostly as a back-up center right now).  Koets is untested, but Whimper has shown he is at least a serviceable back-up .  Veteran G Kevin Boothe, is currently on the PUP list, but if he can return from his shoulder injury he adds another experienced back-up to the mix.  The Giants also a 6th round pick on Mitch Petrus, a feisty guard out of Arkansas who seems to be a clone of Rich Seubert (both exactly 6'3" 310 lbs and both nasty, dirty players) to help out in the middle.  Petrus has impressed the team in camp so far, and should a be a solid back-up immediately and a potential starter a year or two down the road.  In the "also attending camp" list you have rookies Jim Cordle (center, Ohio State), Dennis Landolt (guard, Penn State), and Cliff Lewis (tackle, Morgan State), as well as 4th-year veteran Herb Taylor (tackle, Texas Christian by way of the Chiefs and Broncos)  Taylor has also been playing some TE lately because the Giants have had so many injuries there.  Honestly, I haven't heard anything about any of these guys except a few references to them getting blown up by D-linemen in camp, so I wouldn't expect much.

I think the O-line got a little over-maligned last year.  The lack of production in the running game had more to do with the injuries/struggles of the backfield--especially FB Madison Hedgecock and RB Brandon Jacobs.  This group is ageing, that's for sure, but they did send 3 players to the pro-bowl last year.  I know, I know, they were alternates, but that just shows how respected they are by coaches around the league.  I don't think this Superbowl-winning line's era is over just yet.  Reports out of camp are that Beatty has struggled a bit in his reps with the first team.  There's a long way to go, but he might not be quite ready for prime-time.  Guys like Beatty and Petrus may be the future of this line, but I think this veteran group, if they can stay healthy, have got one more year left in them.

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