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Thursday, June 3, 2010

In Case You Missed It

As I troll the web for Giants' news about as much as Google, I will try and occasionally highlight some of my findings.  Here's a few news and notes that have popped around the various sports news sites and blogs:

~ Mathias Kiwanuka and his brother, Benedict, were involved in a motorcycle accident over the weekend.  Fortunately, Benedict Kiwanuka is in stable condition and Mathias is apparently unharmed.  Obviously, the Giants can’t be thrilled about their starting (ok, “potential” starting) DE flying around on a crotch-rocket in his free time, but it remains unclear if the Giants will punish Kiwanuka in any way.  Reese said simply that they expect their players to be careful, and Coughlin declined comment until he had a chance to talk to Kiwanuka.

~ Former Giants’ MLB Antonio Pierce caused a stir by saying he believes that Coughlin is on the hot-seat.  In other news, Pierce is also a strong believer in gravity.  I mean really, it’s NY, the seat is always hot.

~ ESPN is back to trying to create news again with their NFC East Outsider Matt Moseley  (really though, this guy has about as much access as I do) suggesting that Ahmad Bradshaw should start over Brandon Jacobs—of course he should, but he won’t.

~ To no one’s surprise, Jonathan Goff has been taking the reps with the first team defense at MLB.  Interestingly though, during the media portion of practice at least, rookie Phillip Dillard was taking reps with the second team.  Wilkinson had been getting reps there at the start of the week.  Please take down the grain of salt now as pads are still almost 2 months away.

~ According to Jerry Reese, the players are loving Perry Fewell.  I guess, what the hell else would he say, but Fewell’s fiery style does seem to be striking the right chord.

~ Interesting note from my reading of the “GM” by Tom Callahan:  Tom Coughlin’s wife ultimately made the decision to draft Chris Snee.  The scouts had Snee rated very high, and as the Giant’s second round pick approached, Accorsi told Coughlin it looked like Snee would fall to them, but that he would let him make the decision.  Remember, Snee at this point was the father of Coughlin’s grandson, but not the husband of his daughter (I can only imagine how Coughlin reacted to that one).  Coughlin was understandably less than excited about drafting the guy who “knocked up” his daughter, so he called his wife and asked for her advice.  Mrs. Coughlin gave the ok, and they drafted Snee.  Snee was smart enough to marry Coughlin’s daughter, and has had a pro-bowl career as a result.

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