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Friday, June 25, 2010

Chad Jones Suffers Serious Leg Injuries in Car Wreck

We try and be good humored around here, but nothing funny to say today.  Giants' rookie safety Chad Jones is in critical condition after crashing his SUV in New Orleans early this morning.  He is currently listed as being in critical condition and doctors are trying to save his left foot after he suffered multiple fractures to his left leg, including shattering both his tibia and fibula.  There is apparently extensive artery and nerve damage as a result.  I suggest all of you check the various news websites for updates on his condition.  I probably shouldn't speculate on such a matter, but from the sound of things, his injuries do not appear to be immediately life threatening, but his career may very well be over.  Unbelievably sad when you think about the fact that this kid just signed a multi-year deal with an NFL team, and it's all gone up in smoke.


Jones is out of surgery and recovering.  It looks like he will, generally speaking be OK, but his career is still in question.  Obviously, no one knows what the future holds for Jones, but even assuming the doctors were completely successful in fixing the blood-flow issue, his fibula and tibia were reportedly shattered.  If Jones needs hope, he can find it in teammate Rich Seubert.  Seubert also shattered both the bones in his lower leg and was able to make a comeback.  Of course, it took him 2 years and he is a guard not a safety that relies on speed and agility.  Jones is also a hell of a baseball player, and was actually drafted by the Houston Astros after he was drafted by the Giants.  He probably won't be playing anything for a long while, but given the demands on the body, I'd think Jones may have a better shot at a baseball career than one in football at this point.....

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