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Monday, July 26, 2010

Additional Thoughts on Bulluck Signing

I was away over the weekend so I was not able to really put my two cents in on the Bulluck signing.  In a word, I'm "intrigued."  First though, let's be realistic.  He's 33 and he suffered a torn ACL a mere 7 months ago.  Even at his best, he was a very good, but not great player, and he's never been a 3-down middle linebacker (last year he played OLB for the Titans, but moved to the middle on passing downs).  But the Giants are really risking nothing here.  A one year deal worth $2.5 million in an uncapped season.  I'm pretty sure the PSL's from section 101 alone could cover that.  If he his healthy (or even close to it), he's better than what they have.  If he's got nothing left, so what, what have they got to lose?

The Giants weren't the only team looking at Bulluck either.  According to Tom Friend of ESPN, as many as 6 teams wanted to bring Bulluck in for inspection, but he accepted the invite of only the Giants and Cardinals.  Both team's were impressed with his progress, and both reportedly were willing to bring him on to compete for their vacant starting MLB spots.  The Giants not only worked him through drills, but had him come in for a physical with their trainers the following day.  The lack of swelling convinced Reese that Bulluck was a worthwhile risk, and fortunately for the Giants, Bulluck decided he wanted to come home (he grew up a Giants' fan in New City, NY).

I don't believe Bulluck is being handed the starting job, but everyone in the organization knows he will easily win it if his knee holds up.  He can fill the void until someone steps up (or is brought in) to be a "long-term solution"--as if such a thing even exists in sports today.  At the very least, his presence should help the young linebacker corps. 

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